Libby by OverDrive includes currently popular e-books in epub, Kindle, and pdf formats, as well as eMagazines and downloadable audiobooks. 

You can download the items and check them out on your library card just like a regular book. 

Titles can be read or played on tablets, e-readers, computers and more. 

Meet LIBBY, the new eBook / Audiobook app by Overdrive.

  • Checkouts Allowed at One Time – 10
  • Holds Allowed at One Time – 10
  • Holds notifications – 72 hours (3 days) from the time of availability
  • Recommend for Purchase – 2 titles per day

Information on Accessible eBooks & Audiobooks 

Accessible ebooks and eAudiobooks are now available free to persons with print disabilities living anywhere in New York State.  Thanks to a partnership between the New York Public Library and, more than 370,000 books may be downloaded and read using a text-to-speech program from any home computer with an internet connection.

For more information on what is available and how to sign up visit or call
917-ask-nypl (917-275-6975).