Interlibrary Loan
About Interlibrary Loan
- You can use Interlibrary Loan to borrow items not owned by any Onondaga County Public Libraries [OCPL].
- Once you’ve confirmed OCPL does not own the item you want, call your local library to ask about Interlibrary Loan.
- You may also submit a purchase request to the Collection Development Team if you'd like to request that OCPL purchase the item.
We're sorry, but we cannot accept Interlibrary Loan requests online or through email at this time.
What Items Can I Request?
- Books - published before the current calendar year
- Audiobooks - published before the current calendar year
- Media - released before the current calendar year
- Articles
We Do Not Borrow
Material we already own, including non-circulating items, unless marked lost or withdrawn in Polaris
- The same title already borrowed by the same patron within 6 months
- Playaways or Wonderbooks
- ebooks, eAudiobooks, or software
- whole issues of print periodicals
- multiple copies of one title e.g. books for book clubs
- materials published or released within the current calendar year
How Many Items Can I Borrow / Request At One Time?
- You may have up to 5 active requests at one time.
- Active = requested/pending, held, checked out
How Do I Request An Item?
- Call any OCPL location.
- Please be sure you have a valid and current OCPL card, with any fines totaling less than $5.00, and no lost items on your card.
- Please specify which OCPL location is most convenient for pickup AND return. Interlibrary Loan items must be borrowed and returned at the same library.
How Much Does It Cost?
- We do not charge a fee for this service.
- We make every attempt to find materials at libraries that do not charge.
- In some cases, however, materials are available only at libraries that charge.
- When we fill out the request form, you may be asked to indicate whether you are willing to pay any fees imposed by the lending library for the items requested and, if so, what is the maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay.
What Are My Responsibilities?
- You are responsible for returning any borrowed items by the due date listed, as well as for any charges that may result from loss of or damage to the items borrowed.
How Soon Will My Requested Items Arrive?
- Items usually arrive within 3-4 weeks of the date of the request.
- If items are needed by a certain date, please specify the date on the request form.
How Long Can I Borrow Items?
- Loan periods are determined by the lending library.
- Renewals are usually allowed and must be requested 4-5 days before the due date.
For Libraries Wanting to Borrow Our Materials
OCPL lends to U.S. libraries via WorldCat or ALA form for 60 days with a possibility of 1 renewal. We do not send materials directly to individuals. Please contact your school or public library if you wish to borrow our material. We lend these items free of charge
- Books published before the current calendar year
- Audiobooks published before the current calendar year
- Media released prior to the current calendar year
- Articles - OCPL reserves the right to refuse to accept photocopy requests when it is believed that fulfillment of the order would result in a violation of copyright law.
- The first 32 pages are free of charge. It's 25 cents per page for additional pages.
We do not lend
- Noncirculating reference items
- Microfilm
- ebooks or eAudiobooks
- Multiple copies of a title
- Whole issues of periodicals
- Wonderbooks