Wireless Printing via Mobile App

*** Best For Photos or Files on Your Phone ***

Wireless Printing via App Instructions [PDF]


On your mobile device, download the ePRINTitSaaS app from the Google Play Store [Android] or Apple App Store [iphone/ios]

Once you have installed the app, open it and READ and ACCEPT the Terms of Use.

UPLOAD a file directly from your device, or from your online storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
You will need your login details for services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Select your print preferences:

  • Number of Copies
  • Color or Grayscale
  • One-sided or Double-sided
  • Paper Size
  • Layout
  • Page Range

Enter your guest name or library card number and tap SUBMIT. Next, head to any city branch library.


Go to the print kiosk and click LIBRARY CARD # / GUEST NAME

Enter your LIBRARY CARD # / GUEST NAME as entered before submitting your print job.

A list of files that were sent in your print job will be displayed. Each file sent will be listed on its own line. You may print all the files, or select a single, or multip files from the list to print.

A pop up screen will appear showing the amount due. Click OK and make the payment via cash, credit card or via mobile device. This will release your print.

For questions email: reference@onlib.org or call 315.435.1900 or call your local city branch library.